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I.C.E. Marketing & Consulting Ltd

  /  Tips & Training   /  Ice Maintenance Workshops-1 & 3 day courses

Ice Maintenance Workshops-1 & 3 day courses

Gary Vansickle, President of I.C.E. is an ice maintenance instructor for Recreation Connections Manitoba.  He’s travelled extensively to provide invaluable workshops to arena participants.  There is a definite need for this information which has been proven by the excellence in our  workshop feedback.  As was quoted in the Kivalliq News by Simon Adams, Manager of Sports & Recreation Programs for Nunavut’s Sport & Recreation Division, “The course was held for one main reason:  the need exists!  Bad ice is the biggest complaint I hear in the communities so we decided to put on training to make things better and safer for those who use the ice facilities” (supplied by Northern News  Services).

Arena Ice Installation & Maintenance Workshop – 3 DAY

A detailed course offering participants instruction on the installation of Arena Ice from concrete/sand to finished product.

-Application of the bond coat

-Building Ice

-Leveling floods

-Applying white paint

-How to do the official hockey line layout

-Installing paper lines

-Installing mesh logos

-Final build

-Arena Ice Maintenance

-How to read the ice

-Things you need to know to maintain ice

-Proper operation of a conditioner

-Blade and Water operation

-How to do general scraps

-How to take down high corners

-How to build ice on thin spots

**Private instruction is also available for individual facilities **

Arena Ice Maintenance Workshop – 1 DAY 

Once your ice has been installed it is extremely important to have an ice surface that’s well maintained and safe for your players.  This course explains how to read your ice and when/how to do required maintenance.  Course includes:

-Arena Ice Maintenance

-How to read the ice

-Things you need to know to maintain ice

-Proper operation of a conditioner

-Blade and Water operation

-How to do general scraps

-How to take down high corners

-How to build ice on thin spots

**Private instruction is also available for individual facilities **

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