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I.C.E. Marketing & Consulting Ltd

  /  Tips & Training   /  Ice Installation Overview

Ice Installation Overview


  • 2 months prior to ice installation do a complete inspection of your board, glass and equipment.
  • This will allow you time to order any supplies you need to do repairs or upgrades.
  • Do a thorough cleaning of the concrete floor to assure you have a clean surface with no contaminants for your ice to bond to.
  • If you have a sand base, attempt to have the sand and brine lines as level as possible. This will make the building of the ice easier, and the less ice you are carrying the lower the cost will be for operating your plant.


Concrete Floor

  • Seal any gaps under boards to prevent water from escaping
  • Insulation backer rod (foam)
  • Drywall tape
  • If possible have your slab temp down to 20F or lower
  • Apply initial water (bond coat) in as fine a mist as possible as you want the water to freeze immediately upon contacting the concrete
  • You want to make sure the concrete is completely covered with the bond coat.
  • Start building you ice. You can now use a heavier spray.
  • Once you have a good bond and initial build down with mist and spray you can switch to a flood pipe which will also level your ice pad.
  • You want to build from 1/8” to ¼” of ice prior to painting.
  • Important to have your ice surface as level as possible prior to applying the white paint as this will make you job of  maintaining you ice so much easier throughout the season.
  • Apply your white paint.
  • Seal using a fine mist

When to put down lines and logos

Immediately following sealing or after building up to ½” of ice.

  • Thoroughly seal all lines to assure the paint doesn’t run or paper floats. -Build to a total thickness of 1.5”
  • Final building can be done a number of ways
    • spray nozzle
    • flood pipe
    • ice Resurfacer
  • Water temperature to use.
    • use cold water for the build process.
    • switch to hot water for the last ½” of ice.
    • hot water (150 to 170) contains less air and will give you a more
    • dense sheet if ice which is easier to maintain.

Sand Floor

  • Prior to turning on your ice plant saturate to sand with water.
  • This will give you a solid sub surface to build you ice surface on. -Once the sand is down to 20f or lower start building your ice until all brine lines are completely covered.
  • Then follow same procedure as concrete floor.
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